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the super app for super parents.

One app to manage and instantly share events, reminders, and lists with your partner. Think of it as your secret superpower.

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the super app for super parents.

One app to manage and instantly share events, reminders, and lists with your partner.
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Why you should use Hero

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Be on top of everything.

See your events, to-do's, and lists in one place.

No more slipping through the cracks or cross-referencing apps.

No more slipping through cracks or cross-referencing apps.

Including when
your partner is busy.

No more asking "are you free at this time?", or guessing when they're in meetings.

So you no longer feel like this:

Milk jug meme showing why reminders are important
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5X faster with voice.

Think it. Say it. Done.

meet our launch sponsors..


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Free if you sign up soon.

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The Hero App